Guide to Welfare Benefits Calculator

Calculator Basics

The Welfare Benefits Calculator helps design and analyze welfare benefit structures by simulating how different parameters affect work incentives and budget utilization.

Key Features

Available Scenarios

No Scenario

Free-form mode where all parameters can be adjusted manually.

Scenario I

Standard mixed population including all types from hard workers to never-workers.

Scenario II

Work-capable population without non-workers/never-workers.

Scenario III

Reduced budget scenario to explore trade-offs under tighter constraints.

Scenario IV (UBI)

Universal Basic Income variant with lower reduction rates.

Scenario V (Work Req.)

Work requirement scenario with exemptions for certain populations.

Scenario VI (EITC)

Earned Income Tax Credit calculator with phase-in/phase-out benefits.

Parameter Controls

Basic Parameters

Population Types

Type Description Work Sensitivity
Type I Hard Workers Most responsive to incentives
Type II Workers Moderately responsive
Type III Marginal Workers Somewhat responsive
Type IV Non-Workers High threshold for work
Type V Never Workers Unable to work

How the Calculator Works

Optimization Process

The calculator uses a systematic optimization process to find the best parameter combination based on your priorities:

  1. Evaluates different parameter combinations within defined ranges
  2. Calculates benefits and work choices for each population type
  3. Checks budget constraints and program effectiveness
  4. Scores results based on priority weights
  5. Selects the combination with the highest score

Priority Weighting

Priorities are weighted based on their order:

Mathematical Details

Basic Benefit Formula

  • If E = 0: B = G
  • If 0 < E ≤ BP: B = G - (E × t₁)
  • If BP < E ≤ SSP: B = G - (BP × t₁) - ((E - BP) × t₂)
  • If E > SSP: B = 0
  • Work Decision Model

  • Y(No Work) = 0 + Benefits(0)
  • Y(Part Time) = PT_Earnings + Benefits(PT_Earnings)
  • Y(Full Time) = FT_Earnings + Benefits(FT_Earnings)
  • Population Thresholds

    Type FT Threshold PT Threshold
    I $300 0.55
    II $400 0.60
    III $500 0.75
    IV $1200 0.95

    Optimization Score

    Score = w₁(Work Rate) + w₂(Budget Efficiency) + w₃(FT Rate) + w₄(Basic Support) + w₅(PT Rate)

    Special Cases

    EITC Addition:

    Total Benefit = Basic Benefit + EITC

    Work Requirement Penalty:

    If non-exempt non-workers > threshold: Total Cost = Regular Cost × 1.10